Now available at Toxic Breedables!
[TB] Potted Auto-Signs
- Just rez an auto-sign, it will try to detect closest Potted seed or pot within range that is owned by you, the owner. (and those set to the same group as this auto-sign for group version.)
- Has separate owner and group menus, that only allows 1 menu at a time, with owner menu taking priority. (for group version)
- Group menu has option to detect closest seed/pot. (for group version)
- Owner menu allows the same as Group, plus resizer and Frame menu.
- Frame menu allows default texture frame, oak texture frame, or multiple color options.
- Top portion of sign displays potted species like Ivy, Spider, and Karnivore. It also states if it is a Seed, Empty Pot, or Potted Pot (Pot with Plant). Now will detect flags!
- Bottom line displays the name of the item. At this time, it will not show the plant name that is in a Pot, will still only show the Pot name and whether Pot is empty or not.
- THIS ITEM IS MESH – When resizing, the larger you go, the more the Li increases. At default size, it is only 1 Li.
- Any updates will be completed through caspervend system at this time and for the life of the product.